Welcome to the Feral Community
Teamwork or community collaboration is challenging in today’s society, but through the management of cat colonies, we have proved that we are capable of fighting together for a common goal by creating Feral Community A stable, united and efficient community that has more than 3 years now, achieving goals that seemed impossible.
Through Pienso Feral, we have organized advisory groups (both for animal health and nutrition), talks and conferences on feline nutrition, awareness-raising campaigns in schools and institutes, food donations, coverage for surgeries, castrations and sterilizations, hospitalizations and adoptions.In the near future and through the FERAL FOUNDATION, we will create the first Animal Social Security system.
Thanks to all the members of this Community, and above all, thank you for having that huge capacity of fighting and sacrificing to protect the most vulnerable ones. Thank you to all those true heroes and heroines: the colony managers. Without them, thousands and thousands of feral cats would have died today in pain, hunger or cold… and in solitude.
Thank you for demonstrating that community collaboration is possible, and not only possible, it is the hope for the future we want.
Thank you, colleagues, for seeing gold where others saw stones…
Carmen Serrano
Founder of Feral Community
The values of Feral Community
- This Community is a place where people support each other and thrive on the goal that unites them.
- This goal is a common one, where values and identities are reflected.
- Our goal is the protection and welfare of animals, and each member has both the ability and responsibility to make a positive and lasting impact on the world.
- Millions of footprints trace the path to a better world.